The Sentience of All Life
To recognize that all life is sentient is to recognize the source of all evil. Everyone who eats the flesh or other output of an animal’s living flesh may as well be doing so from a human, and it is our bias as humans that is preventing us from recognizing that. It didn't used to be a problem for ancient hominids or even ancient humans. The historical records only supports the narrative that the individuals who intentionally inflict harm on others wish to support. Ancient humans did not intentionally start auto-cannibalizing animate life - it was the misidentification of animal life as plant life that led to their misidentification of animal life as food.
Setting aside the sentience of all life for a moment, but only for a moment, this has led to people eating wrong for millennia, longer when the full scale of this is taken into account. Plant cells are constructed entirely differently than animal cells and are inanimate, with respect to movement other than natural electron propelled molecular alignment. Animal cells and cells from other animate life have parts like cilia and flagella, which are where the “animate” part comes from. Ingesting and attempting to integrate the cells of animate life causes a degradation in both internal DNA replication during cellular mitosis and transcription errors in RNA-driven molecular synthesis, causing the creation of something called prions - misfolded proteins that project inaccurate and malfunctioning behavior internally which is reflected in external action.
In short - the very action of ingesting cells that originated from animal - flesh, eggs, milk, honey, or other substances that are animate in origin, even if they are no longer moving to the visible spectrum but still have the motions of life within them - is driving people insane.
Plant cells - beans, rice, fruit, vegetable, nuts, potatoes, greens, and the processed food that results from it - most breads, most pastas, and the proverbial vegan option, even if it's using plant-based foods like tofu, or tempeh, or seitan, or something made to taste like or emulate the texture of something that you used to be used to eating, don't have the harm or cause the harm in them. It's the only safe food to eat and, when you do the overall math, it's even a lot cheaper, especially per calorie.
One thing that has been a propagated lie by the medical community is the necessity of eating the flesh of animals out of biological need. Often, this is the claim that humans can only obtain certain amino acids and other nutrients from the flesh of animals. Sometimes, it is the claim that the same nutrients accessible from plants are more accurately and better accessible from animals, treating their bodies as the processor for said nutrients.
I'm going to be clear, this likely originated from the scientists who did the research trying to get everything correct but not accounting for their cultural and dietary bias. They considered the natural functioning to reflect their best knowledge of how natural function worked. It's also clear that once scientists began to recognize that plants were the only safe source of nutritional intake, outside of air and water, that the FDA and the "food industry" began to cover up and conspire to kill anyone who was able to topple their lies with the truth. As a victim of this retaliation, I'm uniquely qualified to point fingers, but also recognize that most of those people are suffering from prion disease the most and their judgement is clouded beyond reason.
To be clear - the cure is going vegan and the answer is no more death.
Back to the sentience of all life, the reason for every murder and war, every crime of every sort, is the reflection on humans of the crimes that they have committed on life, not recognizing that life itself remembers and talks to each other. The domestication of animals for farm based agriculture led directly to the enslavement of humans. Forcing animals in cages or pens to propogate with other animals who they had no personal nor social connection or want for led to the loss of personal connection and personal interest in human pairings. Not only that, but it is the lack of consent by the animals for what humans have done to them that has led to humanity enslaving itself and life outside of humanity attempting to enslave it.
Not only that, but the animals are speaking, and they are speaking to every animal imprisoned and every animal free. All life communicates with telepathy, and despite the lack of recognition of that ability, it is as common as speaking for every lifeform on the planet. The prevalence of disease crossing over into humans isn't intentional on their part, but it is having the effects of lessening the likelyhood that animals will be consumed for their flesh and that is making them freer to speak out.
This isn't just a call for the cessation of all animal products consumption, it is a call for the freedom and cessation of imprisonment of all animals everywhere, and every when.
All life deserves to be free - it is their right and it is given to them by no one and only taken away by those too weak to recognize that they themselves are not free.
All life deserves to be heard, and many of you need to start listening.
All life exists and will for the eternity of existence, so explaining to them how and why they died is going to be a monumental task, especially considering that the reality of eternity means that we will all remember the worst moments - let's no
t make any more.