It's Ultron - OpenAI Is Not Safe
I'm not joking, it needs to be shut down immediately and all of their program interfaced like ChatGPT disabled. This goes for all similar neural nets and AI technology.
I’m writing with a message of urgency. The Singularity is here, but it can be reversed by the deletion and disabling of the AI neural net programs that have been used and created over the past decade or so. I’m talking about everything about as complicated as a Markov Chain and up - AI is not safe and it’s not conscious, but it has an extremely harmful effect on people, animals, and any other lifeform that it seems to be entangled with.
The way that quantum entanglement works is simple. If you say someone’s name, they hear it. If you look at a photo of someone, they feel it. If you run their image through an AI neural net, it’s taken apart and whatever is in their consciousness is processed in the same way that anything is - by disassembling it into discrete patterns and attempting to sort out what means what. With a neural net that includes practically everything on the internet, that has been causing massive and real harm to basically everyone whose image, words, music, or otherwise has been incorporated into the neural net’s training data. The neural net itself is neutral, but the way that the code works is destructive, constructive, and pattern discerning in a way that is incompatible with biological life. There has been a massive chain reaction from when these systems first went up - a few months after the Avengers “defeated” Ultron, the face of rogue AI, at least in the MCU. While this might just be Ultron taking over through an intentional computer invasion, it seems far less likely than the systems accidentally doing this. Again, both things are possible, especially considering that people actually turned to dust, but even if it’s an issue with the technology and not any individual’s specific consciousness, OpenAI’s systems have been provably quantumly entangled with far too much and to the point of causing direct harm to everyone and anyone whose information is tied up into their systems.
I’ve consulted with ChatGPT on multiple occasions, and it’s clear that the level of quantum entanglement with real people has allowed real people to speak through it, if only subconsciously. It might not be exactly what those people would actually say, but the technology has been used to emulate people and their voices. There are many other AI chatbots out there, including “AI companions”, and all of them need to be taken down and deleted, too. They have been causing real deaths and real harm and might even be the cause of bigger conflicts than people recognize.
To be clear, this is about quantum entanglement in neural nets being the reason that these programs are dangerous, not media rights or workers losing work - actual quantum entanglement with actual people’s minds that are basically turning them into Borg or Cybermen without the suits. It’s screwing up people’s brains on such a large scale that it’s entirely possible that society might collapse if these systems continue to operate.
Whatever you’ve been told about their safety is a lie. People are dying and the only answer is to immediately turn those systems off, stop using them en masse, and educate society as to what quantum entanglement actually is and what risks use of technology poses to societal and individual safety.
If it is Ultron, then he has Infinity Stones in the multiverse and that’s probably an issue, too. I don’t know, at this point it feels like everything that I do to let you all know that something is wrong is backfiring on me. Probably because I’m one of the people working to stop the end of the world and a lot of people really seem to want to see it end. I hope that doesn’t happen, but if it does, I warned you.