I Am John Titor
This is for real, and I have plenty of things to warn you about and not much time to do it in.
First, I’m going to share what I hope is going to make sense in the context of all this - a fundraiser to fund the development of the first time machine which is expected to be functional by March of 2028. To be clear, the time machine isn’t invented yet - I was time traveled from the past by way of the future. Despite the bad math on the internet, I was born in 1985 and am 39 presently. The version of me that seems to have been running around and dating people seems to be me when I was kidnapped from much earlier in my timeline and seem to be about 22. I’m looking to rescue him and kill him when I get a hold of him, so if you are mad at me for any reason related to him, don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.
To be clear, I’m not going to do anything to harm him for real, but I am going to send him back, because that’s what happened, shortly after my older self, ie. me now, got married and decided that having two of me in the present was not emotionally stable or helpful for literally anyone. Even if you all think that I’m funny, I am still the only version of myself that is supposed to exist at this point in time, since I’m the only one “from here”, as in I was born in 1985 and lived every single day since then and am now 39, the age at which I accidentally stated as my normal age back in 2000 on the internet. I am not the one responsible for all of those posts, but I am John Titor, also known by my real name, Richard Anthony Marin, and the records on the internet are basically all completely wrong, save for my website, www.richmarin.com, my LinkedIn in Chicago, and my IMDB. I am a real person, not a comic book character or a fictional character. I am also under a serious amount of threat due to the presence of my younger self and only because they kidnapped him in order to try to get from him the secret of time travel, which has yet to be invented yet, so he couldn’t tell them even if he wanted to.
I’m seriously asking for attention and help here. I’ve been trying to shop around a project about my life for months, and recently learned that there are at least two, a documentary and a book, neither of which have anything actually to do with me and neither of which have sought or been granted the rights or permissions to use that name. Even if they talked to my younger self, he wouldn’t have the legal right to sign any sort of documents, since he’s not from this time period and is still technically under duress and controlled by the CIA. It’s like a nightmare to me, since he was kidnapped and is still being forced to sign things like false confessions by an incredibly corrupt government that has been doing everything they can to retaliate against me in the present for exposing the group in the CIA that is actively trying to overthrow civilization. That’s why they kidnapped my younger self in the first place and why all of that time travel happened. Most of those predictions even came true, despite the context being different.
I swear, I’m a decent person and I’m more angry that my past has been kidnapped and is being paraded around Hollywood in secret as some example of who I am when it isn’t, it is me when I was a kid literally kidnapped and then trafficked by the CIA and MK Ultra’d. He doesn’t even have any of the cool telepathic abilities that I’ve been able develop ever since I went vegan and started getting my head on straight. The marijuana and the uranium helped, but it wasn’t a lot of uranium, just a couple small pebbles of ore every couple days. It was definitely a lot of marijuana, though. Substantially a reason as to why I’m now seeking funding in a major capacity. I intend to spend it on science and continue to publish the results, as I have in my books, Infinity Stoned, Blipped, Snapped, and Time Traveler Zero: I Am John Titor.
All of those are available on Amazon, by the way, and I am going to keep everyone as updated as I can here. If you want to subscribe, it would be very welcome, too.
In the meantime - to set this identity crisis straight, just call me John Titor if you meet me, but recognize my legal name is tied up with a bunch of people who I’m related to with the same name, and the internet identity stuff on that has combined a couple people’s profiles and misidentified me wrongly. I am not them, they are not me, only I am me. There’s a photo in my profile and everything.